Please Donate to Youngcare

Please donate today

You’ll help young people with physical disabilities that are being left behind!

Unlock freedom for more young people with high care needs to choose where, how, and with whom they live their lives.

With your support, Youngcare can continue to fight for freedom of CHOICE for the thousands of young people currently being left behind in inappropriate and unacceptable housing.

All donations $2.00 and above are issued with a tax-deductible receipt. If you would like to speak with a Youngcare team member please call 1300 968 642.  

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Give $150

You can assist a young person with disability to live with choice, independence and dignity by funding equipment, home modifications and respite care.

Give $200

You can help provide a place to call 'home' for young people with disabilities. Our fully accessible and age-appropriate homes with 24-hour care enable people to live the young lives they deserve.  

Give $100

You can ensure the Youngcare Connect Support Line is always available to assist families to navigate the often-complicated health and disability housing systems.

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